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INI File | 1996-11-05 | 7.0 KB | 285 lines |
- [About]
- show=penguin
- [Windows]
- main=0,0,0,0,2
- wchannel=72,542,94,253,0
- wquery=88,530,88,276,0
- wlist=0,0,0,0,1
- wlinks=44,530,44,276,0
- wwwwlist=22,530,22,276,0
- wchat=88,532,88,271,0
- wdccg=103,530,23,269,0
- wdccs=22,530,22,276,1
- [Fonts]
- fremote=Fixedsys,408
- faliases=Fixedsys,408
- fpopups=Fixedsys,408
- [DDE]
- ServerStatus=on
- ServiceName=ircsimplex
- [Clicks]
- status=/lusers
- query=/whois $1
- channel=/channel
- nicklist=/query $1
- [Dragdrop]
- n0=*.wav:/sound $1 $2
- n1=*.*:/dcc send $1 $2
- s2=*.*:/dcc send $1 $2
- [Ident]
- active=no
- userid=
- system=UNIX
- port=113
- [Socks]
- Enabled=no
- Port=1080
- [FileServer]
- Warning=On
- [Variables]
- n0=%titlebar iRCSiMPlEX v1.50
- n1=%floodprot1 f|⌠⌠╨ ╢«║t╔⌐t╬⌠±
- n2=%activated ┼⌐t╬vαt╔╨
- n3=%script-r iRCSiMPlEX
- n4=%script-r-v iRCSiMPlEX v1.50
- n5=%script -=([iRCSiMPlEX])=-
- n6=%version -=([iRCSiMPlEX])=- v1.50
- n7=%author polar
- n8=%aboutme NEW USER! go to popups:user:set:set user info to enter info
- n9=%away no
- n10=%away-msg I'm not!
- n11=%join-count 6
- n12=%whoisnick á
- n13=%ws OFF
- n14=%rate «πtE tEºT
- n15=%rlist «πtE ú╬ºt
- n16=%moto ,.╖░║░╖.,-=α╤Ñ q┘Θºt╬⌠╤º┐?,.╖░║░╖.,
- n17=%number 1
- n18=%rate-s [DISABLED]
- n19=%nsg-s [ENABLED]
- n20=%csop-s [ENABLED]
- n21=%whois-s [DISABLED]
- n22=%split2 taxi.ny.us.DAL.net
- n23=%pt 60
- n24=%pingppl 5
- n25=%chat-l-s [ENABLED]
- n26=%totdcc 1
- n27=%dccchat 2
- n28=%todcc 1
- [Events]
- n0=#PARTYLINE-15 start
- n1=15:ON TEXT:.partyline-15:#: {
- n2=notice $nick - $me ( $+ $ip $+ ) DCC Chat initiated on $nick -- by request -- iRCSiMPlEX v1.50
- n3=dcc chat $nick
- n4=}
- n5=1:ON CHAT:*: {
- n6=set %todcc $chat(0)
- n7=set %dccchat 1
- n8=:start
- n9=if (%dccchat > %todcc) halt
- n10=else msg = $+ $chat(%dccchat) < $+ $nick $+ > $parms
- n11=inc %dccchat 1
- n12=goto start
- n13=}
- n14=15:ON CHATOPEN: {
- n15=msg =$nick Welcome to iRCSiMPlEX pARTyLiNE -15!
- n16=msg =$nick Thanks for coming!
- n17=msg = $+ $chat(%dccchat) $nick joined pARTyLiNE -15!
- n18=}
- n19=15:ON CHATCLOSE: {
- n20=notice $nick - Bye! -
- n21=msg = $+ $chat(%dccchat) $nick left pARTyLiNE -15!
- n22=}
- n23=#Partyline-15 end
- n24=#PARTYLINE start
- n25=1:ON TEXT:.partyline:#: {
- n26=notice $nick - $me ( $+ $ip $+ ) DCC Chat initiated on $nick -- by request -- iRCSiMPlEX v1.50
- n27=dcc chat $nick
- n28=}
- n29=1:ON CHATOPEN: {
- n30=msg =$nick Welcome to iRCSiMPlEX pARTyLiNE by polar !
- n31=msg = $+ $chat(%dccchat) $nick joined pARTyLiNE!
- n32=}
- n33=1:ON CHAT: {
- n34=set %todcc $chat(0)
- n35=set %dccchat 1
- n36=:start
- n37=if (%dccchat > %todcc) halt
- n38=else msg = $+ $chat(%dccchat) $+ $nick $+ > $parms
- n39=inc %dccchat 1
- n40=goto start
- n41=}
- n42=1:ON CHATCLOSE: {
- n43=notice $nick -- Bye Bye! :P --
- n44=msg = $+ $chat(%dccchat) $nick left pARTyLiNE
- n45=}
- n46=#partyline end
- n47=#FLoodprot start
- n48=1:dcc send: {
- n49=inc %dccsend 1
- n50=if %dccsend < 5 {
- n51=timer6 1 5 set %dccsend 0
- n52=sreq auto
- n53=notice $nick Thanks for " $+ $parm3 $+ " $nick
- n54=}
- n55=else {
- n56=notice $nick DCC sends ignored, pls try again in a sec, thanks $nick
- n57=amsg ò DCC Send ò Flood from $nick --> $address
- n58=timer6 1 5 set %dccsend 0
- n59=ignore -ptu60 $nick 2
- n60=}
- n61=}
- n62=!1:on notice:*:*: {
- n63=if $site = %3noticenick {
- n64=unset %3noticenick
- n65=ignore -pntiu60 *!*@ $+ $site
- n66=notice $nick Notice flood detected! %script %floodprot1 %activated $+ !
- n67=halt
- n68=}
- n69=if $site = %2noticenick {
- n70=set %3noticenick $site
- n71=timer 1 2 unset %3noticenick
- n72=halt
- n73=}
- n74=if $site = %1noticenick {
- n75=set %2noticenick $site
- n76=timer 1 2 unset %2noticenick
- n77=halt
- n78=}
- n79=else set %1noticenick $site
- n80=timer 1 2 unset %1noticenick
- n81=}
- n82=!1:on text:*:?: {
- n83=if $site = %3textnick {
- n84=unset %3textnick
- n85=ignore -pntiu60 *!*@ $+ $site
- n86=notice $me Text Flood from $nick --> $site
- n87=notice $nick Message flood detected
- n88=halt
- n89=}
- n90=if $site = %2textnick {
- n91=set %3textnick $site
- n92=timer 1 2 unset %3textnick
- n93=halt
- n94=}
- n95=if $site = %1textnick {
- n96=set %2textnick $site
- n97=timer 1 2 unset %2textnick
- n98=halt
- n99=}
- n100=else set %1textnick $site
- n101=timer 1 2 unset %1textnick
- n102=}
- n103=#Floodprot end
- n104=#Ping start
- n105=1:ON TEXT:ping me*:#:/ctcp $nick ping | /inc %pingppl 1
- n106=1:ON CTCPREPLY:*ping*: %pt = $ctime - $parm2 | /msg $chan $nick ╢╬╤g «e╢lÑ: %pt iRCSiMPlEX ┼·t⌠ ╢∩╤g | /notice $nick ╢╬╤g «e╢lÑ: %pt iRCSiMPlEX ┼·t⌠ ╢∩╤g | /notice $nick ╧ hαVe ╢╧╤gEd %pingppl people!
- n107=#Ping end
- n108=#Split start
- n109=!1:ON QUIT:/splitdet
- n110=#Split end
- n111=#Channel-Games start
- n112=1:ON TEXT:!scan:#: {
- n113=me ** ▀eºT ╢e«º⌠╤ º⌐┼╤! activated on $chan
- n114=timer 1 2 /me The ▀eºT ╢e«º⌠╤ ╬º: $nick( $rand(1,15),$chan)
- n115=}
- n116=#commands start
- n117=1:ON TEXT:.commands:*: {
- n118=notice $nick ╖Commands are:
- n119=notice $nick .partyline -- Join iRCSiMPlEX Partyline! -- %pline-s
- n120=notice $nick .ghost -- Get rid of that old nick.. -- %nsg-s
- n121=notice $nick .op me -- Get ChanServ to op you! -- %csop-s
- n122=notice $nick .whois -- Remote /whois -- %whois-s
- n123=notice $nick -- Type .help <command> for furthur help! --
- n124=}
- n125=#commands end
- n126=#Serv start
- n127=1:ON TEXT:.ghost *:?: {
- n128=msg nickserv ghost $parm2 $parm3
- n129=closemsg $nick
- n130=notice $nick It ShoUlD bE DeAD!
- n131=}
- n132=1:ON TEXT:.op me:?: {
- n133=msg chanserv op $parm3 $nick $parm4
- n134=}
- n135=#Serv end
- n136=#Whois start
- n137=1:ON TEXT:.whois *:*: {
- n138=set %whoisnick $nick
- n139=set %ws on
- n140=whois $parm2
- n141=}
- n142=1:ON TEXT:.address *:*: {
- n143=set %ws2nick $nick
- n144=set %ws-ad on
- n145=whois $parm2
- n146=}
- n147=#whois end
- n148=#Flood<>Protect start
- n149=1:ON TEXT:*^*:#: {
- n150=ignore $nick 3
- n151=timer 1 5 /ignore -r $nick 3
- n152=notice $nick %script f|⌠⌠D ╢«⌠Te⌐T╬0╤ ┼⌐t╬VσTeD!
- n153=kick $chan $nick %script f|⌠⌠D ╢«⌠Te⌐T╬0╤ ┼⌐t╬VσTeD!
- n154=}
- n155=1:ON TEXT:*:#: {
- n156=ignore $nick 3
- n157=timer 1 5 /ignore -r $nick 3
- n158=notice $nick %script f|⌠⌠D ╢«⌠Te⌐T╬0╤ ┼⌐t╬VσTeD!
- n159=kick $chan $nick %script f|⌠⌠D ╢«⌠Te⌐T╬0╤ ┼⌐t╬VσTeD!
- n160=}
- n161=#Flood<>Protect end
- [DCCNicks]
- n1=tommer
- n2=dooby-miester
- n3=dooby=miester
- [Text]
- lastreset=[no date]
- aptitle=iRCSiMPlEX v1.50
- commandchar=/
- linesep=-
- [Files]
- servers=c:\mirc\servers.ini
- aliases=c:\mirc\aliases.ini
- popups=c:\mirc\popups.ini
- users=c:\mirc\remote.ini
- variables=c:\mirc\mirc.ini
- commands=c:\mirc\remote.ini
- events=c:\mirc\mirc.ini
- raw=c:\mirc\remote.ini
- browser=d:\navgold\program\netscape.exe
- finger=c:\mirc\finger.txt
- urls=c:\mirc\urls.ini
- [mIRC]
- user=iRCSiMPlEXX v1.50
- [Dirs]
- getdir=c:\mirc\
- senddir=c:\mirc\zipfile\
- logdir=c:\mirc\
- waves=c:\mirc\
- [Options]
- options=0,1,0,0,0,0,200,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,512,0,1,1,1,0
- options2=5,50,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1
- options3=0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,60,120,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,120,20,10
- options4=500,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,10,0
- options5=800,0,1,1,0,0,999,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,10,0,0,0
- options6=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1